Reviews of My Work

“I have supervised Stephanie Ramage on both international and national marketing campaigns focused on brand protection, reputation repair, and strategic communications management …Her meticulous attention to detail and commitment to going above and beyond is both refreshing and transformative for the team. She approaches her tasks with professionalism and enthusiasm, never settling for anything less than excellence. She has been a real asset to my team…She is a strong proofreader with a knack for quickly turning around high-quality digital blog content and social media posts in collaboration with the marketing team. Beyond content creation, she possesses a solid understanding of editorial development processes, including planning content, ensuring alignment with brand voice, monitoring media trends, and proactively developing strategies to manage brand reputation…Her relentless pursuit of positive outcomes for clients is evident in the thoughtful research and dedicated effort she invests in her work.

Stephanie is not only highly proficient in creating content for both digital and print markets but also a dependable and impactful partner who consistently delivers creativity and value in all her endeavors.” – Isys Caffey-Horne, SVP, Strategy, Stripe Theory


“Overall, Steph, your extra credit points throughout give you an outcome that is I think my highest-ever recorded grade for a digital marketing plan (since 2013!). I went back twice to see if I overdid it, but I did not. Well done.You were outstanding in your team’s agency work. Your professionalism was appreciated. You… care about being your best. ” – Instructor, Emory University, Digital Marketing, Mary Zimnik


“Faced with extremely negative public perceptions of the Department of Watershed Management, she
went above and beyond to overcome those perceptions, thanks to her PowerPoints, talking points for leaders, and dedicated system of site-visits followed by conversation with frontline workers, followed by individual meetings with residents, followed by group meetings featuring presentations and thoroughly researched reports for hand-out and email purposes, and group visits to worksites.” – Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Watershed Management, City of Atlanta, Todd HIll.


“Her communication skills (verbal and written) and ability to act as an intermediary between city agencies and our citizens was commendable each and
every time.   
Ms. Ramage has a unique ability to communicate complex issues in a manner that lays
the groundwork for effective problem solving.  As a police commander, I observed Ms. Ramage serve as the catalyst for positive outcomes many times due to her ability to facilitate positive communication from all involved parties.
I would place her ability to problem solve, facilitate effective communication and distill complex issues into plans of action for resolution as some of her strongest attributes….[Would you recomend her for rehire?] Yes.” – Darin Schierbaum, Chief of the Atlanta Police Department


“Clever and funny…wonderfully imaginative.” – Elizabeth Speller, author of The First of July (Simon & Schuster) and Following Hadrian (Oxford University Press) and instructor at University of Cambridge, on Stephanie Ramage’s short story, Ned


“She was a great writer.” – Michael Colombo, news editor, Rome News-Tribune


“Superb editing skills…attention to detail and sense of tone and nuance…” – Sam Cherribi, author of In the House of War, Dutch Islam Observed, published by Oxford University Press


“Stephanie Ramage at The Sunday Paper had the courage to take that paper’s editorial section in a new direction and hire, among others, an academic and churchman—and then to support me, often patiently waiting for late-arriving editorials. Hopefully, she thinks her decision was not only courageous but wise.”

Mark Douglas, author of Believing Aloud: Reflections on Being Religious in the Public Square (Wipf and Stock Publishing)

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